Partners and funders

Sustainable Development Goals

Who we are

We are a group of Syrian women acting with support by a number of established aid agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individual benefactors. Since November 2011, we have been consistently providing relief assistance to Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Our assistance initially included food parcels, clothing, bedding and other basic needs. However, it soon became apparent that taking care of refugee children’s education was an urgent priority. Hence, as of December 2

Values that we uphold at SSSE include:

Mission Statement

Our top priority is to contribute to improving the lives and future prospects for Syrian Refugee children through access to quality education in a safe environment. 

In addition to delivering quality education, our programs, include components designed to instill: 

  • self-esteem and self-confidence; 
  • creativity and teamwork;  
  • conflict resolution abilities;  
  • tolerance and acceptance of the views and opinions of others; 

We believe that where there is a will, there is a way; so the journey towards a better future must commence and continue unabated. Our biggest challenge during current difficulties in Lebanon and worldwide remains funding.  

Education is our only hope for the future of all refugee children. Providing quality unbiased education; free from all unwanted influences due to religious or political affiliations, remains our foremost goal.  

Our Impact
Children Yealry
0 +
Families Yearly
0 +
Monthly Cash Assistance
0 +

Make a difference today


Join us and become a volunteer SSSE is a very young charity. We are entering our 10th year, we invite passionate, dedicated, committed individuals to join our team.


Every dollar received is put towards holistic and indiscriminate support of refugee children and their host communities.

Our Programs




What our happy partners say

Sawa for development and Aid:
Over the past few years, SAWA For Development And Aid had the opportunity to join efforts with Society for Social Support and Education, whereas we provided humanitarian and development services under severe and difficult conditions, achieving important outcomes for vulnerable communities. Together, we have implemented several non-formal education programs, supporting Syrian refugee children from different age groups. The team members of the Society for Social Support and Education have always demonstrated great levels of professionalism and high ethics; they clearly conduct responsibilities in the most reliable and resourceful manner”. We cherish this partnership with Society for Social Support and Education and are strongly looking forward to collaborating on new high-impact projects.

Dr. Rouba Muheisen Founder

SSSE has been filling an essential role in the education of displaced children for almost a decade, giving the children and their families hope and a critical foundation for their future. We are so happy to have supported SSSE on this important mission with digital literacy skills and tools.

Rudayna Abdo Founder and CEO

Breteau foundation:
United by our common goal of providing access to relevant quality education to disadvantage Syrian refugee children, The Breteau Foundation saw in SSSE the right ally to start a partnership in 2021. Our join work is allowing more than 449 of Students to access our resources and to 21 of teachers to be trained. BF see in SSSE a trustworthy partner with strong management that ensures successful implementation of our program and a dynamic team of skilled and cooperative teachers and facilitator who really understand how key their work is.

Natasha Abelbaki Breteau foundation

Preemptive Love:
Preemptive Love worked with SSSE on a project that sought to serve vulnerable families in the Beqaa. Through our work on this project we found SSSE to be highly communicative and flexible in project design and implementation. We were particularly impressed with them because as an organisation they were not only a reliable and efficient partner but their team truly put heart and soul into their work. Their dedication is highly commendable, and their exceptional quality of work puts them head and shoulders above many organisations.

Chelsea Sabri Relief Program Manager