Contact us

Contact us

We are always love hearing from people so please get in touch.

Address :

Lebanon | Pierre Abou Khater Bldg | 2C, Mansour Jurdak St, Beirut, Lebanon

Call Number :

Phone: +961 (01) 346 056
Mobile: +961 (71) 898 639‬

Email address :

[email protected]

Opening Hours :

Mon to Fri: 09 am – 4:00pm

Our Centers:

Come and say hello anytime in person – find us here!

Bar Elias
Principal name: Mohamad Youssef
Mobile: +961 (‭08) 512 381‬
[email protected]

Kamed Ellouz
Principal name: Ali Barakat
Mobile: +961 ‭(08) 661 162‬
[email protected]

Principal name: Siham Abdulhadi
Mobile: +961 ‭(08) 640 972‬
[email protected]